Account Statistics

The Account statistics tab allows to download the statistics of all domains of the server or statistics filtered by certain domain.

The statistics report includes: domain name, alias, quantity of received and sent messages, quantity of created files, mailbox quota information, etc.

Figure. Domain account statistics.

  1. In the Range field, choose the period of time (last month, quarter, year, etc., or specify the date) for the statistics report.

  2. In the From field you will see the time frame for the statistics report, click the date to change it in the pop-up calendar.

  3. Type the name of the domain, the statistics report will contain only its data.

  4. To limit the number of messages displayed, specify a non-zero value in Max items.

  5. Enable grouping data by domain to see statistics by domains. If you disable grouping, you will see statistics grouped by the domain accounts.

  6. Click Download to save the report in the folder on your computer.

Statistics report file structure



Received Messages

The number of messages delivered to user's mailbox.

Received Amount

The total amount of data delivered to user's mailbox.

Sent Messages

The number of messages sent by the user to IceWarp Server.

Note: Message sent to multiple recipients will be counted as one message for each copy, i.e. a message sent to 20 users counts as 20 messages.

Sent Amount

The total amount of data sent by the user to IceWarp Server.

Sent Out Messages

The number of messages sent from IceWarp Server whose originator is the user. Local email sent by the user is not considered. The number of recipients is considered because each recipient can be on a different server and it means that IceWarp Server has to send mail out additional times.

Sent Out Amount

The total amount of data sent from IceWarp Server whose originator is the user.

Last Sent

When the user sent their last message.

Last Received

When the last message delivered to user's mailbox arrived.

Last Login

When the user logged on IceWarp Server for the last time.

Files Count

The current number of files within the account folder.

Files Amount

The total size of files within the account folder.


This field shows when the user's mailbox was physically created (the first login or first received mail).

Note: This date can differ from the day when the account was created in GUI if it was not used the same day.

Last IP

IP address of the last server used to connect to IceWarp Server.

Mailbox Quota

Percentage of use of the account size limit.